Free Therapy Tools and Worksheets

******************* FEBRUARY 2025 Therapy Tips (CBT & DBT Tips/Tricks Updated Monthly-ISH) ******************

(CBT) "Think" Pearls:
Worries Resolved

(CBT) "Act" Pearls:
Spread Joy!
Think of someone in your life whom yo care about deeply.
What's one thing you could do for them today that would make their life better?
It could be something small, like making them a cup of coffee or doing one of their chores.
Since feelings often follow actin, don't wait until you feel like doing it.
- Lead with action and see what happens.

(CBT) "Be" Pearls:
Sit with an Urge:

DBT: Mindfullness
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is choosing to be aware of this moment, on purpose.
When we are being mindful, we gather our attention and then choose to focus or concentrate it on what we want to observe or do.
*In this moment, choose to focus your mind where you want it to be.
*Perhaps you focus on your emotions, your thoughts, your bodily sensations, what you experience through your senses, or your surroundings.
*Hold your attention there, being in that moment.

DBT: Dialectics
Compassion for Others
It’s easy to feel anger, disgust, and other powerful emotions toward people, especially those who we don’t like based on their rude, mean, or otherwise unskillful behavior.
*In such situations, it can help to practice compassion by imagining what circumstances could lead a person to be so unkind or unskillful.
*What kind of unhappy life exists for such people?
*The next time you feel upset by or wronged by another person, try practicing compassion.

DBT: Emotion Regulation
Emotion Regulation:
Emotion regulation skills decrease vulnerabilities to intense emotions, increase positive emotions, build a sense of confidence and competence, and allow people to act opposite to behaviors that keep them stuck in unwanted emotions.
Emotion regulation skills have both immediate and long-term benefits, and as such should be practiced each day. Contemplate how your life would improve with more balanced emotions.

DBT: Distress Tolerance
ACCEPTS: Contributing
Contribute to other people as a way to take the focus off yourself and your problems, to feel connected and useful, and to create positive.
~ Quick examples include doing favors, writing thank-you notes, baking treats to share, or finding a volunteer position.
Brainstorm a list of ways to contribute and do at least one today.
Journal about your thoughts and feelings afterward.

DBT: Interpersonal Effectiveness
Interpersonal Effectiveness:
The practice of interpersonal effectiveness skills has three primary results:
- An increase in your sense of self-respect.
- An increase in your ability to make and take care of relationships.
- An increase in getting your wants and needs met. In dialectical behavior therapy, we have three acronyms that capture interpersonal skills: FAST, GIVE, and DEAR MAN. The cards that follow break down the acronyms into their components, with suggested practice behaviors.
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